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“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody has the same ones, but you leave them on everything you do.”
Elvis Presley

Values assessment

From gut feeling to clarity.


Values influence our actions, as Elvis Presley said. Values are also decisive in business. Whether as a personality, leader or employee, they are the compass for decisions.


What about your values? A values assessment brings clarity.

Values assessment

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Values are ideals that set standards for our individual actions. They are the foundation for our existence, the basis for our actions, the compass for our decisions. And because they are so formative for each individual, they automatically have a great influence on our personal as well as professional environment – on every team and every company.

The Values Compass as a position-finding tool: Do you know your most important values? Have you ever felt what it's like when your values don't match those of your counterpart?
After the values assessment, you can clearly represent your convictions and needs and explain them easy.


The method

In an expansive selection process, personal values are uncovered. In a deepening discussion, awareness of one's own values emerges. Clarity about one's own feelings and actions is achieved. By classifying the very personal values, the person strengthens his or her self-image.


With the personal value anchor, you can clearly represent your convictions and needs and explain them easily. The values compass classifies how you live your values in everyday life.


The result

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At the end of the process, the personal values are known and the gut feeling is supplemented with the knowledge of one's own needs. You will receive your personal anchor of values and compass of values.


Duration: 2-3h

"By the way: Only values are traded below value these days."


Peter E. Schumacher (1941-2013), publicist

What about your personal fingerprint?
Let's find out together.

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